Monday, June 10, 2024

June 6, 2024 Baltimore

 Thursday  June 6, 2024  Magothy River to Baltimore   3.4 hours  27 miles

Stormy weather in the area overnight.  Tornadoes touched down in surrounding areas west of us and they even had some wind damage at the marina in Baltimore.   We seemed to be spared from the worst of it at our anchorage except for some torrential rainfall.  OK by me as the boat needed a good rinsing. The night before we were inundated with midges - sometimes called blind mosquitoes.   They are mostly nothing more than a nuisance since they don't bite.  But they cover the boat with staining green dots of midge poop.    Anchor up early as more wind and possible rain forecast starting around noon.  We have a 3+ hour cruise out the Magothy and up the Patapsco to Baltimore.  Mostly uneventful.  We rode alongside a tow for a bit headed out the Magothy.

This tow was parked in our anchorage overnight then headed out just ahead of us

 Got within first sight of the Francis Scott Key bridge and it was quite eerie seeing the missing portion of the span.   They have made amazing progress as all the metal structure has now been removed.  They say by Monday the main channel will be open for all large ships.   We took an alternative small vessel channel they have marked going under the eastside concrete ramp.  Again, eerie looking as these sections just end midair.  Got hit with a spritz of rain as we were just getting to the bridge - almost like the sky was shedding a tear for the loss of life and commerce. 

Remaining western span 

Remaining eastern span

Under the eastern span looking towards the western span

Francis Scott Key Bridge piling remnants

Beyond the bridge they have the now removed Dali container ship tied to a terminal.   The damage on the bow was very obvious.  Other than the forward containers removed so that the ship could be dislodged from the bridge it didn't appear as though any others had been removed yet.

Container ship Dali that took out the Key Bridge

Before heading into Anchorage Marina, we decided to take a spin around the inner harbor.  Back in the 80's when we lived in PA. and kept our first boats just north of Baltimore on Middle River, we would occasionally bring guests there by boat.  Honestly, we barely recognized the area.   So much new residential property and marinas along the waterfront.  If we hadn't seen the USS Constellation at her berth, and the landmark Baltimore Aquarium and Domino's Sugar factory we would not have known we were in the same place.  Amazing progress there and along the Fells Point and Canton waterfronts.  

Cargo ship unloading at Domino's sugar plant

The smell of brown sugar was in the air as we passed by

USS Constellation sits ahead of the visiting tall ship with the white hull

The Seven Foot Knoll screw pile lighthouse
relocated to Baltimore to serve as a museum 

The Lightship Chesapeake behind the WW11 sub USS Torsk

The Baltimore Aquarium

Neither of us remembered this landmark tower or all the waterfront condos

Got all secured in our friends Russ and Jax's boat slip at Anchorage Marina with the assistance of their friendly dockmaster Wayne.  Awesome 60' slip with full length finger piers along both sides.  They are currently traveling and have made it up to Long Island Sound with their boat InQuest.   We have the slip for a week. Rental car reserved and we'll head home for some follow-up doctor appointments knowing the boat is safe and secure.   Then return and hope a good weather window opens for our cruise down the Delaware Bay and around NJ offshore. 

As You Wish secure in Slip B12

Found this place in Fells Point. Established in 1918 when the area
 had a huge Polish immigrant population.  
Still serving cold beer and dancing to the Polka on Fri and Sat nights.
Better than my initial thought - The place we got sent for our final days.

Journey for June 6, 2024

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September 15-16, 2024 Back for another visit - Newark, NY

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